Tests Results
- Your Sexual Persona
- Your Personality Type
- Your 5 Factor Personality Report
- The Brain Test
- Emodes Original Inkblot Test
- Comprehensive IQ Report
- Career Interest
- Your Chakra Reading
- Your Emocional IQ Report
- What's Behind Your Emotions?
- Your Enneagram Report
- Your Motivation Report
- Your Picture Personality Report
- Your Plan for Happiness Report
- Your Destity Reading
- The Best Qualites Report
- Your Career Interest Report
- Your Freudian Analisis Report
- Your 7 Secrets of Success Report
- Your Career Personality Type Report
- Your Corporate Culture Report
- Fear Report
- Your Multiple Intelligences Report
- Your Picture Personlity Report
- Your Power Quotient Report
- Your Social Networking Report
- Your Subconscious Mind Analysis
- Your Super IQ Report
- Your True Talent Report
- Your Right Job Report
Who excuse his actions by destiny and indulge yourself, this deserves to make mistakes.
Cum sociis natoque
— Seneca the Younger,
Lucius Annaeus Seneca, called Philosopher,
(4 BC - 65 AD)
Almost anyone fate did not bestow great and continual success. Only the happiness that comes easily, is persistent and accompanied us to the end. Seneca the Younger (born Lucius Annaeus Seneca, called. Philosopher, 4 BC - 65 AD)
Your sexual persona
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Your Sexual Persona As a Phi, you have a good sense of yourself and your sexuality. You know how to turn on the sex appeal when it suits your needs, and have a fair amount of confidence when it comes to your sexual performance. You feel just fine about how sexy you appear to others. You have a decent level of sexual confidence too, and you're aware of others' sexual presence. You know to some degree what you like when it comes to sex. All in all, you're more balanced than most, because you don't obsess over any of the above-mentioned criteria Because you aren't an extremist, you tend not to feel especially negative or positive about your sexuality unless prompted by an extreme circumstance. In other words, a situation that is especially positive or a situation that is uncomfortably negative may cause you to doubt yourself of lose some sexual confidence. But ultimately, you're even-keeled when it comes to sex and your sexual relationships. On the whole, your centeredness makes you a fair judge of others when it comes to sex. More specifically, because you are someone who maintains a middle-of-the-road perspective about most things in life, you are less likely to judge — harshly or otherwise — the sexuality or morality of others. People with your degree of flexibility have greater potential for change, and an openness to learn. That strength plays largely into your sexual persona. Your Sex Appeal You are a lucky sort, with the gift of controlling how others perceive your sexuality. You can turn it up to 12; you can also keep a lot of your sexual aura under wraps, and you oftentimes choose to do exactly that, through your dress, conversation, and general level of sexual suggestiveness. You aren't out to please others so much as maintain your integrity. For you, that means not allowing yourself to be obviously sexy. You're a good judge of when, where, and how often people take notice of your sexiness. You charm who you want to charm. Your Internal Sexual Confidence You are very aware of your strengths as a sexual partner. You probably aren't afraid to ask for exactly what you want, and you probably don't hesitate to try new things that you believe will satisfy your partner. Since you are relatively free from the anxiety and worry that can sometimes interfere with an amazing sexual experience, you are more likely than most to explore what you might like, and just as importantly, what your partner might like. With your degree of self-assurance, you make a strong, exciting lover, one greatly appreciated by those you choose to share yourself with. Your Sexual Awareness You're not afraid to listen to your desires and investigate ways to satisfy them. Then again, you aren't pushing as hard as you could to find out what it is that you most like. You are open to further exploration, but you haven't devoted yourself to it, and might not. Fact is, you probably feel happy enough with the degree of pleasure you are able to tap into when it comes to sex. If you put a little more effort into your sexual awareness, be it through research — in the bedroom, in the library — you might find yourself enjoying an even higher sexual peak. You also might find that by working to heighten your own sense of adventure, you'll discover that even more pleasurable experiences await you.
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Your Emotional/Physical Balance You're an E. You are very much oriented toward strongly connecting emotionally with your sexual partner. You are most likely to find sexual happiness then when it is accompanied by a strong relationship and/or a strong level of trust. Even when you don't know your partner all that well, you may seek out or, at least, desire a closer connection, as you find emotional distance disconcerting when it comes to sex. None of this is to say that you aren't also drawn to the physical aspects of sex, too; simply, you place more weight on the emotional connection than the physical one. Your Desire for Emotional Connection During Sex There is an emotional component to sex for you, but the need to connect with your sexual partner isn't the driving force behind each experience. You aren't always flooded with emotions about a person because you've had sex with them, or have been sexually involved with them. Sometimes you feel emotionally connected to your partner; other times, you do not. The effect is directly correlated to the person with whom you are having sexual relations. You also might find that your emotional connection to your sexual partner is likely to change, as your relationship develops and especially, when your having sex. Your Drive Towards the Physical High of Sex The physical components of sex are very important to you. Sex is great, but for you, orgasm is something you really look forward to. You're probably disappointed if you don't climax — which makes the physical high of sex an integral part of the experience for you. Unfortunately, you can't guarantee the dizzying highs that having sex can produce. It's possible that sometimes you just think about it too much, which distracts your body from the task at hand. It's also possible that under certain circumstances, like being in a new environment or with a new lover, you have a hard time getting your usual hot button to work the right way. The best way to make sure your future sexual experiences are the best they can be, try to pay more attention to the details that do make the sexual experience click for you. Pursue them more aggressively when need be. It is the best path to ensuring the maximum in physical pleasure that is possible for you.
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Your Touch/Look Balance You're a L+. You love to watch. The distance that this preference can sometimes require of your sexual partner does not diminish the experience for you in the slightest. In other words, getting a visual thrill is worth the consequences to you. The pull to be affectionate physically just isn't that strong for you in comparison. Better still, you aren't conflicted about your turn-ons. Hands down, watching your partner come alive during intercourse is the sexiest thing in the world to you. Your Tendency to be Affectionate During Sex Physical caressing makes you swoon, and you often view a warm, soft touch as more erotic than any sexual gesture. It's because you are highly touch-oriented. Lucky you. You are able to reap the benefits of having high skin sensitivity without being sensitive to the extent that frequent physical connections can overwhelm you. Your favorite sensory experience? Kissing. For you, it's a big part of the sexual experience and something you love doing with your partner nearly as much as having sex itself. Those little things really get you going. Your Interest in Looking At Your Sexual Partner There's no doubt. You see the beauty in the human form. It's there for you and you notice the physical characteristics of your sexual partner's body. You enjoy watching them even if it means being at a distance. But then you're probably quick to get close and be a part of the action, too. It also depends on how emotionally connected you are to this person, too. If you care deeply about the person, you might be more inclined to spend more time admiring them, watching them, appreciating their physical look and what they're doing with their body. Everyone is different. The important thing is that you find someone compatible with whom you can really get into what you enjoy doing.
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Your Daring/Modest Balance You're a D+. You are willing to try anything, and you have a strong sense of adventure when it comes to romping around in the sack, or wherever it happens to be that you do your wild thing. You might even have shocked a few of your sexual partners in the past — although knowing you, you're less likely to worry about that sort of thing and more likely to feel proud of your avant-garde approach to sex. Every once in a while, you may experience a twinge of doubt over whether or not your sexual partner will think you're too willing to go to the edge in order to obtain a sexual high. Just keep reminding yourself that everyone is different, and sex is never about being right or wrong. It's about mutual gratification and satisfaction. As long as you're in line with those objectives, you're on the right track and have nothing to question. Your Openness to be Daring During Sex You've largely figured out what you like, and you're on the verge of expanding on those things. Indeed, you've already tried some unconventional sexual activities and find yourself drawn to some of them, at least every once and awhile. The more daring you are, too, the more curious you are to explore beyond known territory. Certainly, you don't mind your standard routine. But you've also seen the benefits of using your imagination and the pleasures that can await you by taking cues from imaginative sexual partners. Your Level of Modesty You are happily uninhibited about your sexuality, and you seldom shy away from expressing your sexual interests, desires, or history from those who want to hear you tell about these things. For you, sex is a beautiful, fun, natural part of being human, and you don't have time for people who judge immodesty as crude. If they misunderstand your openness, so be it. You don't judge others and you don't expect to be judged. In your view, being uninhibited is the healthiest, happiest way to go through life.
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Your Verbal/Non-verbal Balance You're a N+. You are a very strong non-verbal communicator when it comes to sex. You are probably capable of verbalizing your needs, desires, and plans during sex, but chances are that it's far less of a struggle to cue your partner into what you're thinking, feeling, and desiring using body language. You may even have concerns that prevent you from communicating verbally during sex; many people do. You might be shy; possibly you're afraid of saying the wrong thing. More likely, you're simply better at expressing yourself without having to say anything. People are different, but you can learn a lot about yourself just by comparing what you're like in your day-to-day life with how you act in bed. If, say, you're highly verbal normally but you're all movements and subtle expressions when it comes to sex, you might want to find ways to feel more comfortable expressing yourself verbally in bed. Or not. The point is simply to maximize your pleasure during sex. Your Verbal Communication Tendencies During Sex When it comes to lovemaking, you prefer unspoken communication. In fact, verbalizing what you are feeling during sex feels downright odd to you. It's likely that you aren't an overtly verbal person in other areas of your life, so the desire to articulate your needs and feelings to your sexual partner simply doesn't come up much. There is absolutely nothing wrong with not having an inclination to talk about what you are experiencing during sex, or even afterward. Many people prefer to feel their ways through sexual moments and think that talking somehow diminishes the experience. Still, keeping quiet can create extra work for your partner, depending on what type of person he or she is. In some instances, your lover might be left to guess whether or not you are enjoying yourself, and what pleases you most. Owing to this possibility, it's probably something you want to discuss with your partner; don't leave him or her in the dark. (If your partner expresses to you that he or she would like you to vocalize your feelings more, do try it. It shouldn't be that big of an adjustment given your score. If there aren't major gaps in understanding what each others' wants and needs are, then by all means proceed! Again, not speaking during lovemaking is commonplace, and as long as you enjoy sex with your partner and it's clear to him or her without being verbally acknowledged during the act, then there's no reason to change. The Non-verbal Communication You Use During Sex Your strengths lie mostly in areas outside of non-verbal communication. You might be good at it but you tend not to employ it in your sexual encounters with others. Chance are that it just doesn't come naturally to you. That's fine, too, as long as you can read others' non-verbal communication. You want to ensure that you are conveying enough information to your partner — in a way that's comfortable to you — so that he or she knows what you want and like. You also want to be certain that you are picking up enough information about your partner so that that person's needs get met, as well.
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Your Libido You're 8. You've got a healthy, strong libido. You aren't apologetic about thinking about it lots, having it more often, and enjoying longer lovemaking sessions than the next guy, either. You know well that your libido is a central part of your physical life, and your sexual interest is healthy and robust because of that acknowledgment. Your Libido and Sexual Relationships Having a strong libido can make life fun-filled. It can also sometimes find you attracted to people you may wish you didn't find attractive, and keep your casual-sex radar up and running more hours of the day than you realize. Simply, whether you are actively searching out sex or not, the inclination pops up not infrequently. Further, having a strong libido means that oftentimes spending time with someone you're attracted to will turn sexual at some point (assuming that this person is interested and amenable). There is nothing wrong with this, of course. You just happen to have a certain sexual openness that makes you perk up around people to whom you're attracted.
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Sex. You see it everywhere you go. From sex ed in high schools, to celebrated media sexperts, to advertisements for perfume, HBO's Sex and the City and the little medical wonder known as Viagra, sex is on the mind! Nothing perhaps, is more universal. No matter how personal the topic may be to you, the ever-present — and sometimes overly-explicit — idea of sex is every direction we turn. But why? As long as there has been life, there has been the drive for sex. And in fact for some, the question, "which came first, sex or life?" isn't an obvious answer. History of sex In the beginning, the drive for sex did not always come from pure desire. In many cultures dating back to the Ancients, one's social standing and position in life predetermined with whom and if, you were to have sex. In ancient Athens, men viewed women as either a breeder or worker. And these folks weren't shy about their sexualities, either. Art and antiques from classical times show us that Greeks openly celebrated the image of the aroused penis. It was Roman physician Galen who concluded that both the females and males required sexual pleasure, excitement, and climatic orgasm in order to generate the heat that produced new life. Thank goodness for scientific advances. What followed, however, was the Victorian view that a passionless wife or mother was all you needed for reproduction. Freud and those who studied his work were integral in bridging the rigid Victorian model of sexuality to a more social model. Sex was absolutely rooted in nature, in biology, but how we used it in our lives was more conditioned by our social and cultural environment. Then, in the 1960s, we saw yet another revolution. No longer was sex a private affair between two people. The drive for sex is so alluring, is so undeniably powerful, people realized they could harness its message. Sexuality became commercial. It emerged politically as an axis for many social movements promoting the acceptance of women's reproductive choices and sexual expression, as well as the relaxation of censorship laws. How sex creeps into our lives Today we can see sex all around us — housed in museums, prostituted legally on the streets of Vegas, explained through therapeutic radio shows, and broadcasted as streaming media on the Internet. Who hasn't heard of Dr. Ruth, America's Leading Sex Therapist? With her nationally and internationally syndicated radio and TV programs, "Sexually Speaking" and "The Dr. Ruth Show," she has certainly made her modern views known. She is a pioneer in spreading what she labeled "sexual literacy." And what about all the other talk shows? From Oprah to Howard Stearn, sex is now an acceptable subject to talk about not only openly, but on the air. How sexuality is usually measured and how those measurements are typically used The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction is a renowned institution that can be traced back to 1938. In preparing for a new women's course about marriage and its contemplation at Indiana University, zoologist Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey discovered that scientific data on human sexual behavior was sparse. He began collecting his own data, eventually resulting in more than 18,000 sexual histories based on intimate, face-to-face interviews. His research covers sex in a fairly comprehensive manner, looking at issues surrounding erogenous zones, bisexuality, extramarital sex, fantasy, foreplay, homosexuality, masturbation, nudity, peak performance/maximum sexual activity, oral sex, orgasm, premarital sex, sex with prostitutes, and even sadomasochism. Many organizations exist today that cater to modern sexuality issues of abuse, dysfunction, therapy, public health, social problems, and more. The research at educational institutions like The Kinsey Institute help to provide credible background information and research to progress in today's society. Tickle's Sexual Personality Test There's plenty of evidence linking sex to biology and sex to certain cultural norms. But have you ever taken a test that took all of this into account to bring you a useful way to discuss sex and how it relates specifically to you? Tickle's Sexual Personality Test assesses your sexual behavior on 7 different scales. It will help give you a better understanding of your sexual personality — a part of you that's just as important as your personality as you go through life. Knowing more about your sexual persona will make you happier, and healthier. This test will show you your sexual strengths and will offer advice for making them even stronger. Join the millions of Tickle members who have already benefited from this |