
Almost anyone fate did not bestow great and continual success. Only the happiness that comes easily, is persistent and accompanied us to the end. Seneca the Younger (born Lucius Annaeus Seneca, called. Philosopher, 4 BC - 65 AD)

Your Freudian Analisis Report

Freud would say that your greatest unconscious conflict began when you were an

He would also conclude that compared with others, the way you are today is moderately affected by the events from your childhood. What this means is like many people, you appear to have some unresolved conflicts to attend to. This also means that the conflicts you do have aren't extreme in their intensity. Still these issues may be ones that deserve your attention.

Tickle's Ph.D.s determined your level of conflict by looking at the different psychosexual stages of your development and your "level of conflict" in each. These findings were then compiled to determine how conflicted you are overall.

Based on your responses to the test questions, it appears that you are more conflicted than 62% of the individuals who took The Freud Test. This score doesn't mean that you're better or worse off than anyone else; it's merely a gauge of how your childhood experiences may be affecting you more or less than other people's experiences are affecting them.

But before you examine your specific scores in relation to the standard psychosexual conflicts, you should know a bit more about Freud's theories. The next few paragraphs are designed to help you do just that.

The unconscious is the part of the mind you don't have easy access to — it's kind of like a locked storage room. It's believed that painful or difficult memories are often stored in your unconscious so that these remembrances can't get out to disturb or upset you. Freud believed that infantile desires, needs, and impulses are also housed in this part of the mind.

By storing early memories in the unconscious, you don't have to be aware of them, or fully acknowledge them, or even work through them. By hosting them in your unconscious mind, you also protect yourself from interfering with your present image of yourself.

Freud, however, argued that the clutter we never fully addressed in our unconscious, is a series of "conflicts" we never resolved as we went through the five stages of psychosexual development: the Oral Period, the Anal Period, the Phallic Period, the Oedipal Period, and the Genital Period. He further believed that these conflicts cannot only be traced back to specific stages of psychosexual development, but also can lead to specific personality traits in adults. Freud believed most adults still experience substantial problems due to their unresolved unconscious conflicts. He also felt that most people could benefit from Freudian analysis to uncover exactly what their conflicts are.

Freud's theories are based on the idea that all adult neuroses originate in some kind of unresolved sexual conflict, normally tied to an earlier point in life. To emphasize his point, he delineated the conflicts that must be resolved in each in order for us to develop fully into healthy, normal adults.

This process, Freud believed, was normal and unavoidable. He didn't think it possible for anyone to make it through these very difficult periods of childhood and psychosexual development unscathed. Rather, he saw development as a journey that would likely result in numerous problems later on. He also believed that in most situations parents could only partially mitigate a child's trauma. Only in very unusual situations could they alleviate it altogether. As a result, Freud would say that most — if not all — adults struggle with some kind of conflict that dates back to what happened during their childhood sexual development.

Through your test responses, Tickle determined that your greatest conflict originated in what is called the Genital Period of sexual development. This stage occurs at about the same ages for all people. Note that some stages overlap and exactly how each stage plays out differs slightly from person to person. Yet for the most part, there is a standard progression across individuals and across years. Freud would say that your strongest conflict stems from events that happened when you were post-pubescent. The section below does three things: It details the strength of your conflicts during each of your developmental stages, examines exactly what the stages are, and looks at issues that may persist in your adult life as a result.

This chart shows how conflicted you are in each of the periods when compared with others:

Phallic Period (4 to 7 years)

Compared with others, you're more conflicted about this stage than 99% of people.

The Phallic Period starts when you're about four years old and goes on until approximately age seven. Freud's theories about this stage focus more heavily on the penis than on the clitoris. He stated that the Phallic Period is the time of life when both boys and girls learn the importance of the penis. Freud believed that from girls' anatomy, boys learn it is possible for them to lose their penises — to be castrated. Girls learn from boys' anatomy that they have already lost their penises and are deficient. Freud postulated such realizations cause boys to feel fearful of losing their penises and girls to feel inferior because they do not have one.

In addition, Freud focused on the fact that children between three and seven typically realize that they can receive pleasure by stimulating the penis or clitoris. Masturbation is a natural human behavior, but because of social taboos, parents often shame children caught doing it. For example, according to Freud, some boys are told that if they masturbate their penises will fall of or will get cut off. Furthermore, Freud felt that even boys not explicitly given this message might have internalized it because of the way they processed other parental instructions. For instance, if a boy played with something he wasn't supposed to and it was taken away, that same child may feel that if he plays with his penis when he wasn't supposed to, that could be taken away as well.

Depending on how your parents treated masturbation and feelings of inferiority or superiority during this period, you may have come out feeling more or less conflicted. Girls with a phallic fixation will tend to behave submissively and passively in romantic relationships. Boys with this fixation often grow up needing to show the power of their penises by dominating others either sexually or throughout life; Freud said this hides their fears of castration. Freud also believed that phallic fixation can cause boys and girls to resent their mothers — for the girls because the mother represents inferiority and for the boys because she represents a threat. In addition, Freud said phallically fixated girls wish to be like their fathers so that they can have penises too.

If you were punished as a child for masturbating or were made to believe that you were wrong to touch yourself, chances are you have some residual unconscious feelings about touching yourself now. Another possible repercussion of feeling intense guilt is if you masturbate compulsively, needing to masturbate any time life gets intense. Because your fixation on this period appears to be very strong , you're likely to experience these problems to a slight degree.

The stage that follows the Phallic Period is latency, lasting from age seven to puberty. During this time Freud hypothesized that children repress their sexuality. He also believed that the seeds of the Oedipus complex are planted during the Phallic Period and latency as children experience conflicts regarding their love for their same and opposite-sex parents.

Anal Period (18 months to 3 years)

Compared with others, you're more conflicted about this period than 93% of people.

The Anal Period is the second stage of development. Even if you had difficulties during the Oral Period, you still moved beyond them and onto this second stage — though it's possible you had two sets of conflicts to contend with.

Freud's theory states that during the Anal Period you learn the pleasure you can experience by having control over your body, and, more specifically, by withholding or releasing your excrement. This stage marks the first time you can control something in your environment through your own will. Freud remarked that if your parents interfered with this process by trying to control when you defecated, a battle of wills may have ensued.

During the Anal Period, you began to learn the power of your own choices. What exactly you learned was dependent on your parents' behavior. For example, if your parents forced you to go to the bathroom on a predetermined schedule as dictated by some expert, a doctor, or just for their convenience, you probably learned that your bodily functions weren't as important as the convenience and needs of others.

On the other hand, if you were allowed to go to the bathroom more or less when you wanted to and weren't potty trained prematurely, it's likely that you moved through this stage with little strife. However, having a highly permissive parent could result in problems of a different kind.

There are two main ways that the Anal Period manifests itself in adulthood. You can be either "anal retentive" due to parental over-control or "anal expulsive" due to parental under-control. Of the two, you appear to be more retentive.

People who are anal retentive are likely to be highly compulsive. For highly, anal-retentive types, everything needs to be in its proper place, and their surroundings need to be cleaned and organized. In addition, they may have trivial compulsions like having to cross the road just to pick up a piece of newspaper littering the sidewalk.

Interestingly enough, even though anal retentives typically avoid mess, Freud believes that unconsciously they crave it — and therein lies their conflict. Freud felt that this internal unrest also manifested through stubborn behavior. He suggested that anal-retentive individuals learned that controlling others and standing their ground was the key to being able to satisfy and have control over their own bodily functions and needs.

Freud also believed that in adulthood being anal retentive could take on yet another form, translating into withholding or saving money more than most people. Of course not all people who save money are anally fixated, but when paired with compulsive cleanliness and control issues, it's strongly suggested.

At the opposite end of the spectrum are people who are highly anal expulsive. Rather than withholding pleasure from themselves, anal expulsive types are more likely to overindulge. Often this trait is associated with being sloppy and wasteful, as well as with not being able to keep a good hold of things. Much like anal retentives, those who are very anal expulsive tend to be defiant of authority and are often obstinate.

The Anal Period (18 months to 3 years) is also the time of life when you grew stronger and got sharper teeth. During this time you may have learned that you could hurt others by biting, hitting, and so forth. You likely also learned what it's like to experience aggression and be able to act on it. Because this period couples the knowledge of how to inflict pain on others with the discovery of anal pleasure, Freud concluded that being fixated in this stage could, in extreme cases, lead to sadomasochistic behaviors, pairing pain with sex. Because your fixation on this period seems to be very strong, you're likely to experience these kinds of issues to a great degree.

Genital Period (Adolescence onward)

Compared with others, you're more highly advanced in this period than 54% of people.

The Genital Period is different from the rest. In order to arrive here successfully, you have to have resolved most conflicts from the other periods. This is no small feat. This is the stage when adult sexuality begins to flourish because the difficulties of childhood sexual development have basically been maneuvered successfully.

While in theory you can't reach this stage if you are stuck in earlier ones, in practice you're likely to display some healthy behaviors typical of adult sexual relationships while still having some unresolved unconscious conflicts from childhood. Thus your score on this dimension indicates the extent to which you engage in healthy sexual behaviors. If it is your highest score, it means you have resolved more conflicts than you have left to resolve. It also indicates that to a great extent, you're able to engage in positive adult sexual relationships. However, a positive score doesn't mean that you have no issues to resolve; you simply have fewer of them than most people do.

One way you can tell that a person has reached the Genital Period is by looking at how they handle the impulses of the id. The id is the aspect of self that is responsible for raw desire. It has no consciousness or rational thought. It simply wants — whether the want is food, sex, or some other primal desire. People in the Genital Period are able to take this raw energy and express it in the form of productive, creative work. People who have not reached this period may feel compelled to relentlessly pursue satiation of those needs.

According to Freud, another way you can tell if someone is in this stage is if they seek a mate who resembles their opposite-sex parent but aren't guilty about having sex with this person. Freud believed that this indicated several things: First, that an individual has abandoned their incest feelings for their opposite-sex parent and has therefore let go of any rivalry with their same-sex parent. Secondly, that they've let go of the phallic problems around gender identification and are able to lovingly accept and appreciate the differences between the sexes. Lastly, that they can now identify with the same-sex parent and be on good terms with them.

Obviously this all assumes that the person's parents are normal to some extent, so that wanting someone just like your parent would be a rational thing to feel. However, not everyone has reasonable parents. So just because someone doesn't get along with their mother it doesn't necessarily mean that they haven't resolved their Oedipal complex yet. It may simply mean that their mother is a tough person to deal with.

While this appears to be an obvious truth, it's not necessarily a perspective Freud would share. Therefore we give you the result here according to what Freud would have thought, given the assumptions of the theory stated above. Based on Freud's assumptions, it appears that your connection to this period is a moderately strong one. As a result, Freud would say that you're likely to experience this situation to a moderate degree.

So if you didn't know before, you definitely know now: Sexuality is a primary component of Freud's theories. This being true, it only makes sense that among the many ways Freudian analysis might impact your life is by improving your sex life. Tickle's Ph.D.s have examined particular aspects of Freud's work to help you look more deeply at your sex life from a Freudian perspective.

Oedipus complex (puberty)

Compared with others, you're more conflicted regarding this period than 10% of people.

The Oedipus complex occurs during puberty. The issues behind the Oedipus complex center on guilt about wishing you could marry your opposite-sex parent. Obviously most people don't identify with this wish consciously — most likely in part because of the social taboo that keeps these desires repressed. However, at some point in your life you may have wished that you could have your opposite-sex parent all to yourself and then felt guilty about wishing your other parent would disappear. Understand that there is a big difference between what you wished would happen and what you truly wanted. However, on an unconscious level having the thought and performing the act are identical. Therefore, the guilt for actually doing something is no less than just thinking it.

According to Freud's theory, at some point everyone wishes for their same-sex parent to disappear and is left with the guilt of having that wish. If the same-sex parent dies or leaves for some other reason, this guilt can become dramatically compounded. So too, if incest occurs, children can experience tremendous guilt and shame because they unconsciously believe that they caused the abuse to happen by wanting the opposite-sex parent all to themselves. Such feelings cause enormous conflicts.

If you're stuck in the Oedipal Period and unresolved about it, you may feel guilty when kissing a lover in front of a parent, as though you're doing something wrong or betraying them. You may also feel either guilt or fear around same-sex people who are about your parent's age. Freud said that these feelings surface because of a fear that the same-sex parent will punish you for being a rival.

Many factors can complicate the Oedipal Period, and most people have difficulty with it. For instance, if your opposite-sex parent communicated in some way or another that you were more attractive, desirable, or otherwise a more preferable partner than your same-sex parent, your own experiences with the Oedipus complex may be harder to deal with. On the one hand you may consciously or unconsciously want victory over the same-sex parent. At the same time, you don't really want that victory. So if you attain it, the result can be a lot of guilt and confusion. Your fixation on this period seems to be mild, so you're likely to experience Oedipal problems to a slight degree.

Oral Period (birth to 18 months)

Compared with others, you're more conflicted about this period than 3% of people.

The Oral Period is the first stage that everyone goes through. It begins when you're born and continues through your first year and a half. For some individuals, it may not last quite that long and for some it may last slightly longer. However, overall this stage lasts about 18 months. Freud said that during the Oral Period, you experience pleasure through your mouth, by sucking on a mother's breast, a pacifier, a bottle, or even your thumb. This is the first pleasure you feel and it is one that you're able to give to yourself. In other words, Freud interpreted this to mean that the first pleasurable feeling a person has is autoerotic.

It has been argued by some that children should suckle at their mother's breast through the age of six or seven. The rationale is that when the children aren't allowed to do so, they need a surrogate for the mother's nipple. Thus, when a child moves to a pacifier, thumb, or blanket, these things are used as a substitute for the nipple.

According to Freud, there are two types of parental behavior that can negatively affect children during this stage. Parents can wean a baby off of the mother's breast, pacifier, or other object too early, or they can do so too late.

Freud taught that in order to move past the Oral Period, you have to have been able to graduate out of your need and dependence on the nipple. If your parents insisted that you stop your sucking behaviors before you were ready, you may have developed an oral fixation. Moreover, if you were shamed or chastised for your behavior on top of being forced to quit, your oral fixation could be even stronger. If you can't remember ever sucking your thumb, blanket, pacifier, or some other soothing object, or were weaned from your mother's breast too early, chances are you repressed that need, and now it can resurface as an adult through other problems.

On the flip side, if your parents didn't put any pressure on you to stop sucking, or weaned you off your mother's breast much too late, you may also have developed an oral fixation. This kind of fixation plays out differently in terms of certain personality traits.

Of these two types of fixation, you display more of the personality traits consistent with having an overindulgent parental figure. People with extreme fixation in the Oral Period are likely to:

  • Develop serious eating disorders
  • Eat when they are stressed or lonely
  • Be orally aggressive (In childhood this aggression may mean literally biting, in adulthood, it can mean being verbally 'biting' by using sarcastic language)

When it comes to other aspects of personality, those who were weaned too late by an overindulgent parent are more likely to be domineering and manipulative; those who were weaned too early by an underindulgent parent are more likely to be passive and dependent. Because your fixation on this period appears to be mild, you're likely to experience these problems to a slight degree.